Sunday, 28 April 2019

Book Review

In Room 5 we had to do right a book Review in the holidays.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Zoe,
    I love your book review about the midnight gang when they go explore around the hospital.
    Next time try adding a little more detail like what the name are of the people in the Midnight gang.
    Keep up The good work!!!
    From Olivia in Ahipara.

  3. Hi Zoe,I love you poem about your self i think it is cooler then mine.i love your poem about your self because it tells me about how you and what you like. Keep up the good work!!!
    From Te Ana in room 5 Ahiparaschool.

  4. hI zoe my name is wati iliked how you presented your video

  5. hi zoe my names max i liked your presentation. i liked how you added the illustrator and the auther.

  6. yo zoe the midnight gang sounds like a awesome book to read but mabye add more detail about the book.
    keep it up zoe

  7. hi zoe, im rollin i like your presentation about this book maybe next time a bit more writing and detail to make it a bit more interesting thanks zoe

  8. Kia ora Zoe this midnight gang sounds cool

    you feed back is Probably add more writing
    Thanks Osheya


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