Thursday, 6 June 2019

Zoe Poem

In Room 5  EL GREGOE came so we  wrote a poem about anti bullying, here is my poem.

Being honest is the right thing to do. Always remember to be true, be full of integrity and always be you. Walk away from people who make you feel bad. Stand up for your friends. Don’t let them feel sad. Stop the bullying forever. Don’t forget our 3rs Respect, Responsibility and Resilience..From Zoe


  1. Hi there Zoe,
    I liked your poem very much=)
    I don't think i could have done a better job than you and i also liked that your poem was about stopping bullying and your photo.
    Next time maybe try and add a bit of information by the photo's so the reader knows whats happening in the photo.
    Keep it up!
    From Olivia in room 5 at Ahipara school.

  2. Hi Zoe I like your show and your recount was really good of the show what was the parot for?


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