Today i wrote about what my monster looks, sounds and smells like. then i drew a picture.
Zoe's monster.
Here is a description about my monster. Her name is Ellie. She is as tall as a skyscraper, as skinny as a twig and she is also lanky. Her blue snuggly fur smells like delicious candy floss, it smells so good it makes you want to eat her. Ellie's eyes are as big as the moon and as blue as the sky. Her teeth are disgusting like a rotten tomato, and yellow like mouldy cheese. She talks in a calm soft voice because she is friendly and kind and doesn't want to scare people. Ellie is a friendly, kind and helpful monster. By Zoe.

Wow! Zoe what amazing descriptive words you used. I could see a picture in my head of your monster. I also love your drawing. I am glad Ellie is friendly.