Tuesday, 12 February 2019

What is most the most common flavor

In Room 5 we where doing maths. We made a pictograph about the different flavours in a pack of Fruit Burst.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh my gosh Zoe I can't believe to told the world I ate all those lollies!! Lol (however it might have been true). I love all the information you shared with us re your pictograph it was great to see you are able to transfer your knowledge onto others. Just for next time if you could show us the graph all in one shot that would be great for example bluetack it to the wall and it will then also be easier for you to read. Thank you for all the effort you put into this...........I might give you a lolly for all your hard work!!

  3. Hi Mrs Bailey,it's Zoe here thanks for the nice and helpful comment and I had to add in the part where you ate the lollies because it was really funny.

  4. hi zoe i really liked yay


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